🐶 Acute cases of diarrhoea in cats and dogs🐶To bind to and expel intestinal and ingested toxins and poisions 🐶 To improve the gut microbiome thus improving the immune system 🐶 To crowd out the harmful bacteria in the gut🐶 Overall health and well-being
"I was looking for a natural product of this type since I want
to get away from giving my dogs so many unnecessary (and immune stressing) pharma products.
I used this Probiotic paste for 2 of my dogs with excellent results and after only a few days they were bouncing around again as before. (As with many natural products it works together with the body and so takes a little longer.)
However, I am delighted with the results and will certainly add this product to my list of natural remedies for the future.
Thank you."
~Carol Johnston
"Digestive care probiotic paste really works
Great service with my digestive care probiotic paste arriving very quickly. My dog had a bit of an unsettled stomach due to an underlying health issue and this paste worked a treat.
The applicator works well because it is not easy to get medication into a dog that has a reduced appetite. The ingredients and quality I trust from this source helps also."
~Christine Kerrigan
Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome such as Enterococcus Faecium, Lactobacillus, and Bifidobacterium.
The beneficial bacteria in the gut are essential for optimal health because they aid digestion, support the immune system, produce 90% of the body’s serotonin, produce Vitamin K and B Vitamins, crowd out harmful bacteria, and produce short-chain fatty acids such as Butyrate and produce enzymes.
✅ Therefore, JP's Natural Pet Supplements have formulated our own probiotic for cats that contains probiotics, prebiotics and bentonite clay.
Prebiotics are the fibres such as galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) that provide nourishment to help
maintain probiotic levels.
✅That is why we added prebiotics to our Digestive Care for cats & dogs
Today's pet foods tend to be missing these important
probiotics and prebiotics.
Plus, they do not contain Bentonite clay which binds up intestinal toxins and water, thus helping with diarrhoea. To make matters worse, manufacturers tend to not supplement commercial pet foods with the probiotics and prebiotics that your pet can actually use. Even if they do, the heat from the canning or kibbling process typically destroys their health benefits.
✅Now you can help your cat or dog with acute diarrhoea with our Digestive Care!