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My Dog eats poop, and other animals 💩 poop.

Most dogs eat poo, also known as coprophagia, out of habit, hunger, stress, boredom, and diet; only a small number do it because of illness.

Some dogs start eating poo at an early age, which becomes a habit.

Boredom-stress or anxiety is why some dogs eat poop.

Attention- some dogs learn that eating poop gets them attention.

Medical reasons- it’s rare for a dog to eat poop due to illness. However, it can happen, so it’s best to rule out any health issues with your dog, especially if your dog has started eating poo suddenly and it’s out of character for them. Look out for any other symptoms you’ve noticed, such as weight loss, diarrhoea, vomiting, or change in the coat.
Coprophagia can be associated with disease of the intestinal tract and sometimes other parts of the body, such as the liver or brain.

Hunger- some dogs can eat poop when they are hungry; this could be because they are not being fed enough, or you have suddenly started more exercise with your dog.

Mothers & puppies- it’s entirely normal for the mother dog to eat their puppy's poop, so this should never be discouraged. Puppies will sometimes eat the poo of their litter mates; this typically stops with age.


20% of dogs at some point can have serious coprophagia; this can be more common in multi-dog households. According to research, it’s way more common for bitches to be poop eaters than male dogs. Greedy dogs that tend to steal food from tables or worktops are also more likely to have coprophagia.

What if my dog has a deficiency

There may be a vitamin B (called thiamine) deficiency; studies have shown that faecal microbes manufacture thiamine.

Diets that are high in carbs, in some cases, lead to poop eating.
This is why feeding a raw diet can benefit your dog’s health and gut microbiome. Supplement your dog’s food with vitamins and enzymes.

How can I stop my dog from eating poop?

We want to try to redirect your dog’s attention. When you have an adult dog that’s been eating poop for a long time, it’s important you go out with your dog whenever they need the toilet. Have your dog on a training line; as soon as your dog has been in the toilet, recall your dog over for some high-value treats; if you are at home, put your dog back in the house while you pick the poop up.
Whatever you do, don’t use punishment; try to keep your focus on positive reinforcement; if your shout and get angry, your dog won’t understand, and it might even make them eat the poop quicker.

If your dog is eating other animals’ poop, I recommend keeping your dog on a training line so you can manage the situation. The more they get access to eat their poop, or other animals' poop, the more behaviour will increase. Before you can trust your dog free running, I suggest you train your dog reliable.
recall, use high value treats as a reward for returning, and train your dog to leave a cue.

Does pineapple stop dogs from eating their poop?
Some owners find that feeding their dogs pineapples or courgettes stops them from eating their poop because it gives the poo a bitter taste. There is no evidence to suggest that it works, but there is no harm in trying. It’s okay for dogs to eat pineapple and courgettes but introduce it to them slowly because sudden changes in diet can cause a stomach upset.

Training tools/ protocols

Please keep your dog on a lead when working on this behaviour so you can quickly take control and lead them away while you work on your recall and leave-it cues.

Treats- be sure to have a treat pouch to reward your dog for focusing on you and coming back (recall)

What can I give my dog to help if it’s a food deficiency?

The gut microbiome is important, so a good probiotic, JP’s Natural pet supplement Doggie fibre with added Zeolite mineral to clean toxins out of the gut, with added chlorophyll.

Vitamin B can help, as mentioned above.


Justine Shone

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