
The benefits of probiotics for dogs


Veterinary Surgeon Dr Paul Boland and dog trainer and behaviourist Justine Shone own JP’s Natural Pet Supplements. Our passion is to educate pet owners on how supplements can save them money on Veterinary fees and help their pets live a healthy life.

Dogs and probiotics.

Even your dog can have an off day! Just like humans, you may notice low energy levels, odd behaviour, or digestive issues. This might be something our Doggie Fibre supplement may help with because it contains probiotics, prebiotics, and bentonite clay.

Probiotics are also called beneficial bacteria. They populate the gastrointestinal tract and help to metabolise food, absorb nutrients, prevent pathogenic colonisation, and help maintain intestinal health. It is essential to maintain the correct balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut as a depletion of beneficial bacteria can lead to a range of health conditions.

Prebiotics are natural fibres that provide nourishment to help maintain probiotic levels in the gut microbiome.

Over the years, dog probiotics have grown in popularity because they support the gut microbiome, immune system, and the Gut-Brain Axis. This results in many health benefits for your dog.


Probiotics with prebiotics and bentonite clay will typically get to work within 24 hours binding and expelling intestinal and ingested toxins and poisons. It will quickly replenish the beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome, crowd out, and expel the harmful bacteria in the gut which can cause diarrhoea, lowered immune function, dullness, and lethargy. Not only can they clear up diarrhoea, but they restore balance to your pet's health by restoring the all-important gut microbiome.

Our Holistic Digestive Care Probiotic Paste for Dogs and Cats quickly resolves acute diarrhoea, so keep it in your first aid cabinet for when your beloved pet has a bout of diarrhoea.

Stomach issues bad gas and rumbling tummy.

If you hear a rumbling tummy noise from your pet’s gut, more specifically gas moving around in their intestines, it is time for a probiotic supplement. While this is not something that happens too often, your pet will require gut support if noises are consistent. Your dog having gas can be a very unpleasant sign that something is wrong with your dog’s digestion. Many of our clients have found our Doggie Fibre to be an excellent solution.

Is your dog eating copious amounts of grass?

Every dog owner will come across their dog devouring grass at least once in their life, this is because eating grass is a common behaviour in almost all dogs. There are many reasons why dogs eat grass, but one of the reasons could be that your dog’s gut microbiome is unbalanced. Dogs commonly eat grass when they have an upset stomach, grass contains fibre which can help soothe their stomach problems. Eating grass can bring the PH levels down and soothe pain symptoms. By using Doggie fibre probiotics in your dog’s diet daily, can stop your dog from eating copious amounts of grass.

Toilet issues.

This includes diarrhoea, inconsistent poops, constipation and on and off stools. Adding fibre to your pet’s diet can offer short-term relief for constipation or diarrhoea.


Food intolerances/allergies are a major cause of canine atopic dermatitis. The easiest way to rule out a food intolerance is to feed a protein source that your dog has not eaten before for 2-3 weeks but it must be a raw food diet. If there is no improvement, then try another novel protein source. Common symptoms include itching, rashes, dry skin and swelling around the eyes and lips, and itchy ears. Other causes include fleas, sarcoptic mites, pollen, storage mites in dried dog food, and dust mites.

Probiotics can help dogs with allergies by regulating their immune response and reducing inflammation in the gut microbiome. They can break down food more efficiently, reducing the risk of food allergies.

Losing weight.

Once your vet has ruled out underlying medical conditions, a dog losing weight rapidly is not getting the necessary nutrients out of their food. Again, we can link this to an imbalanced gut microbiome and so probiotics may help.

Dry commercial dog food.

If you are feeling your dog ultra-processed dry kibble, then they may well require added probiotics and digestive enzymes. Kibble based food is packed with carbohydrates or sugars, which can be an issue for many pets. Dogs are carnivores and are not made to eat food with this many carbohydrates. We always advise feeding dogs a raw food diet.


A poor functioning gut microbiome can cause anxiety in your dog because of the Gut-Brain Axis. 90% of Serotonin is produced in the gut. According to recent research, an out-of-balanced gut microbiome can cause dogs to express undesirable behavioural issues.

Immune support.

85% of the immune system resides in the gut and when your pet’s gut microbiome is balanced, your dog is far more likely to be fit and healthy. Adding our Doggie Fibre probiotic does not only improve gut health but also the immune system.

Your dog’s immune system will not waste energy keeping bad bacteria at bay and will focus on more important tasks. A dog’s stomach is acidic and if you do not give your pet enough probiotics, they will not reach the lower gastrointestinal tract where it matters.

Yeast infection.

It is completely normal for dogs to have yeast in their gut. However, if there is an overgrowth of yeast, it can cause your pet to experience several types of gastrointestinal symptoms. Dogs often experience a yeast infection in their ears, but it all starts in the gut and spreads to the rest of the body if your dog suffers from leaky bowel syndrome. That is why it is important to flood their gut with beneficial bacteria which will restrain yeast growth and restore balance to the gut microbiome.

Is your dog a scooter?

This is a quite frequent problem in dogs. Your dog’s anal glands can become impacted or swollen causing the anal glands to secrete a greasy substance with a fishy odour, which is not very pleasant. Anal glands are two small pouches located on both sides of your dog’s anal sphincter. They are lined with glands that produce a scent that tells other animals information about them, they are important for dogs communication. Adding fibre with probiotics to your dog’s diet can help to express the anal glands, thus preventing scooting.

What about my puppy taking probiotics?

Puppies can benefit from probiotics, just like adult dogs. During the first few weeks of a puppy’s life, they are exposed to various bacteria and viruses that can impact their digestive and immune system. A good probiotic like Doggie Fibre with probiotics, can help establish a healthy gut microbiome, supporting overall health. Puppies can also experience gastrointestinal issues due to changes in their diet as they grow, and probiotics can help to alleviate these symptoms. Go for JP’s Natural Pet Supplements because we offer the highest quality supplements.

We all want our dogs to live a longer life.

A diet combined with a probiotic, prebiotic and Bentonite clay supplement, could contribute to a longer and happier life for your dog. Whether you are dealing with occasional loose poop, or want to support your pet’s health, adding probiotics to their routine can be effective.


JP’s Natural Pet Supplements Doggie Fibre contains probiotics, prebiotics, and bentonite clay. Bentonite clay binds intestinal toxins and water, thus helping with diarrhoea and intestinal toxins.

For acute diarrhoea use our probiotic paste.

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Dr Paul Boland and Justine Shone





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